Take a Trip Around the Globe with Coleman Rigg & the Ridge Runner’s Thunderous-thumpin’, Thicc-rock n’ roll

Coleman Rigg & the Ridge Runners, is an emerging rock outfit from Philadelphia, PA, combining the powerful sounds of “thunderous-thumpin’, thicc-rock n’ roll.” The single “If You Really Wanna Know”, is the first from their forthcoming full length, self-titled album, produced and recorded at Miner Street Recordings. It’s set for release Friday March 26th. “The song is about getting back out there. We’ve had so much conversation about isolation, but the longer these conditions persist, I, and I’m sure others, have growing anxiousness about stepping out, ditching our screens, and reconnecting with the world post COVID.” Read on for our Dispatch interview:

How has your 2021 been so far?

Exciting. Coleman Rigg & The Ridge Runners are releasing a ton of new work, and rounding out our first full length LP for release in May. It’s an album that has been in the work for over a year, and we are so ready to have it out into the world.

At the same time, we are already far along with new material – new singles, maybe an EP or two planned shortly after the LP. I took some time over the holidays to focus on building a home recording space that allowed me to track quality demos, share with the band, and pass ideas back and forth through a digital workflow. We’ve always been a band that loves cranking the amps and writing songs, but this different approach has us thinking new ways and staying safe at the same time.

How have you been keeping busy during quarantine?

Picking up a new hobby every week and writing new songs…I’ve been all over the place and enjoying it all honestly. I’ve been working on film still photography, super 8 video filming, building out my home studio, planting grass in my tiny patch of earth out back, yoga, running, you name it.

In all serious though, it’s been nice to have new non-musical experiences impact the way I approach music. All of these new hobbies have bled into my creativity in some way or the other, so in some sorts it’s been reminiscent of the first years I played in a band and learned an instrument in my teens…it’s been good to imagine things in a new headspace.

What was an album that was on non-stop repeat in 2020?

Ultra Mono by IDLES was in heavy rotation, and The Strokes’ The New Abnormal was particularly relied upon early on in 2020 quarantine. Along with a lot of others: The Archer by Alexandra Savior, If You’re Dreaming by Anna Burch, After Hours by The Weeknd was also a really fun album from last year.

Looking at more recent listens from this year though, I’ve dove headfirst back into my love for Title Fight, particularly their later albums Hyperview and Floral Green. And I can’t shake the undeniable lightheartedness of Lake Street Dive’s album Free Yourself Up.

Which Philly bands should we be listening to?

Right now my favorite Philly bands/artists are Barney Cortez, Slomo Sapiens (still), Party Muscles, Arthur Thomas and the Funkitorium, The Retinas, Dweller, Riverby, and The Tisburys.

Which Non-Philly bands should we be listening to?

We were recently featured in a British music blog called Music In Isolation, and through them a found a network of bands and artists I’ve really liked: The Kid and I, The Smallest Giant, Sunflower Thieves, Luna Blue, Shakeout

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What is your favorite Philadelphia-local venue?

Boot and Saddle :’(

What Philadelphia local restaurant should we be supporting?

Lucky’s Last Chance. Can’t beat a good ol’ burger and fries.

When quarantine is over, who do you want to perform with live?

I’d love to perform with any of the Philly bands mentioned previously. We’ve only had the pleasure of sharing the stage with Dweller out of the ones I already named.

What’s the best thing you’ve binged?

Considering this is the first year of my life in recent memory that I’ve actually had ample time to watch TV, I’ve been a little overwhelmed by all that is out there, it’s insane how much buzz is around so many different shows! I’ve found myself most content binging Seinfeld just because it’s always been my favorite.

What’s the first public place you want to go to after quarantine?

Anywhere that is hosting live music. Last year was a huge adjustment to basically have most things taken away, but I think the first thing I’d love to do is attend an outdoor concert because the longer I go without it, the more I realize how much I miss it.

Where should we be donating our dollars to help out our fellow Philadelphians?

Prevention Point Philadelphia. They provide medical services, housing services, overdose prevention services, and so much more to communities affected most by drug use and poverty. They’ve also stepped up huge during COVID and still found unique ways to provide their important services. They also started as a grass roots organization in the 90’s and had impacts on local legislation to help communities in need, which is pretty cool. My partner is a social worker and knows a lot about their organization and has been teaching me a lot about them this last year.

What’s your favorite jawn?

Already mentioned it, but Lucky’s Last Chance in Manayunk has to be it.

List to Coleman Rigg & the Ridge Runner’s “Characters Living In Screens” Below:

New music drop March 26th!

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