Philadelphia’s The Dawn Drapes Summer Quarantine Dispatch From Around The Globe

Photo by Bre Cura

Dispatch from Around the Globe – Summer Quarantine Edition

The Dawn Drapes make thoughtful indie pop music with a psychedelic tinge. Inspired by melody, harmony, and groove driven rhythm.

What’s your favorite song that reminds you of summer?

Mike Sanzo: Depends on the summer. As of late I’ve been super into cruising around to “The Life Pursuit by Belle and Sebastian.” What a record, it’s like all bangers. Specifically off that record “The Blues Are Still Blue” is probably my jam. 

Dan Rice: “Walk On” by Neil Young is definitely coming to mind. It’s about keeping your head up and not letting other people get you down if you know your on the right path for yourself. “Some get stoned/some get strange, but sooner or later it all gets real.”

We are always looking for new film and television to check out.  What’s your favorite thing you’ve watched over the past few months?

Mike Sanzo: I’ve been watching this youtube channel called “Townsends.” It’s this dude making videos about living in colonial america. It’s absolutely ridiculous. I started watching it cause it cracked me up and now I’m totally hooked.

Dan Rice: “Crashing” on HBO is incredible, I highly recommend watching that. I also really liked “Dave” on Hulu, surprisingly deep and emotional and David Burd does an excellent job with the music (even if it’s gag music sometimes) and his acting performance is strong.

Your vacation plans probably got thwarted due to the global pandemic.  Where had you hoped to travel to this summer?  Where are you planning to do some fun, summer things this year instead?

Mike Sanzo: As far as vacations go, I was planning on heading to San Diego for my brother’s bachelor party. That was a bummer to have to cancel. Overall, I think what bums be out the most is that we likely would have been intermittently on and off the road touring through this time and all of that has been indefinitely cancelled.

Dan Rice:  We were gonna tour, but… you know. I plan to camp in Vermont very soon and do some fishing and self-reflection.

Can you recommend a local, Black owned business that we should check out?

Mike Sanzo: Reggae Reggae Vibes is my jam. I’m sure most people in Fishtown already know about the jerk chicken cheesesteak cause it’s a true game changer.  

Dan RiceHarriett’s Bookshop on Girard Ave. They’ve been a great addition to the neighborhood and I’ve added a few gems to my library because of Harriett’s.

What’s your favorite shore town?

Mike Sanzo: If we’re talking Jersey Shore I’d say Asbury Park just cause we’ve played there so much and we love a lot of the people in that music community. If we’re talking any place on the ocean, I’d probably give it up for Newport, RI in the winter.

Dan Rice: I am not a huge beach person, so I don’t really have an answer to this one unfortunately. I usually get pretty uncomfortable quickly and just want to leave. I do love the water though.

Lots of people have been releasing music over quarantine.  What’s your favorite release that came out since March?

Mike Sanzo: Our old roommate and healing guru, Justin just put out some new awesome stuff under the name “Fresh Basil” go give it some spins!

Dan Rice:  I am heavily into the latest My Morning Jacket release right now, The Waterfall II. So good.

What’s your favorite summertime tradition?

Mike Sanzo: I miss Harrisonburg summers in general sometimes. We had this buddy who’s family had bought this massive exhausted rock quarry. They went down and popped a natural Aquifer at the bottom of it and flooded it. It was like this 4 acre man made lake that was surrounded by huge rock cliffs on all sides. We would just go chill there, it was awesome.  

Dan Rice:  I used to vacation with my extended family who I never get to see often because they are all Scottish. I can be on the beach with them for as long as possible. But now I’d say it’s just finding any body of water to swim in.

What’s your favorite summertime treat?

Mike Sanzo: The chocolate / banana / chocolate bomb pops. They’re the best and they’ve eluded me since circa 2003.

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Dan Rice: Some sort of slushy beverage, maybe.

You’ve probably sharpened your cooking skills since quarantine began. What’s your favorite thing to make for a meal these days?

Mike Sanzo: Unfortunately, I wouldn’t say “sharpened” in my case, but if I want to get fancy I’ll do some sort of indian or thai curry.

Dan Rice: I’ve been up in the kitchen for sure. I just made ceviche for the first time last week and I have to say, it was the best ceviche ever made by anyone. But I’m into classic French style mostly. Shallots, Butter, Garlic, and Herbs on any piece of meat, but usually a steak.

Best summer concert you ever saw?  What’s your favorite venue to see a summer concert in?

Mike Sanzo: Too many to name at this point considering all the tours. It was probably at some backyard in Virginia watching some iteration of Jeff Gorman, Jake Cochran and John Bickel.

Dan Rice: Jack White blew my mind a few years ago at Firefly Festival in Delaware. I also remember seeing Spoon open for Arcade Fire at Merriwether and Spoon upstaged them big time. I love that band.

Favorite Philly bands right now?

Mike Sanzo: All my usuals. Lady HD rules. Ciaran is a genius music man. 

Dan Rice: The War on Drugs and Dr Dog are definitely on a lot of my playlists all the time. But I really dig Jimmy Everheart and his projects (Scantron, Cosmic Guilt). Slomo Sapiens are raw and powerful and write some really heavy and catchy songs. Barney Cortez is consistently releasing great and thoughtful music! Ali Awan is a joy to listen to and to play with. It can be a range of emotion from song to song without ever feeling disjointed.

Favorite non-Philly bands right now?

Mike Sanzo: I’m on a huge Madonna kick

Dan Rice: Always “AirPark.” Brothers Ben and Michael Ford Jr are a creative force to be reckoned with. Mike Viola put out one of my favorite records of all time in 2018 with “American Egypt.” And always love anything from “Illiterate Light.” Jeff and Jake are deep in the thick of writing great songs.

Favorite Summer Blockbuster(s)?  Did you see it in the theater?

Mike Sanzo: Technically the Wizard Of Oz came out on on August 10, 1939. I did not catch it in theaters.

Dan Rice:  “Grease” 1978 summer smash. Still love that movie and soundtrack.

Current summer reading? All time favorite summer read?

Mike Sanzo: Currently reading “Through Two Doors at Once – The Elegant Experiment That Captures the Enigma of Our Quantum Reality” by Anil Ananthaswamy

Dan Rice: I read the Jeff Tweedy “Let’s Go So We Can Get Back” and that’s my answer to both of these questions I guess.

What’s your favorite summer jawn?

Mike Sanzo: I’m always down for a good pool hang. 

Dan Rice: Bike ride breeze.

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